Industry Trends


gen z recruitment
Introduction  In a startling reversal, Google, once the dream destination for every aspiring tech guru, has slipped to a mere 7th place in the preferences of Gen Z, says an article in Business Insider. This shift signals a deeper transformation in the aspirations of a generation once synonymous with Silicon Valley’s glitter.   Why are tomorrow’s...
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Role of Internships
Introduction  “Have you ever wondered if your institution is inadvertently setting up students for failure in the real world?”  The gap between academic knowledge and practical skills is becoming increasingly evident in the job market, underscoring the importance of integrating real-world applications into educational frameworks. As industries advance rapidly, the demand for graduates who are...
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Streamlining industrial engineering hiring process
Introduction  The global industrial engineering sector is accustomed to change, but today, the challenge lies in the complex factors driving this rapid pace. Halfway through 2024, industry leaders are grappling with supply chain disruptions, historic inflation, geopolitical conflicts, localization pressures, carbon reduction demands, and persistent talent shortages.  These challenges are creating significant workforce complications within...
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Tech talent recruitment
How can organizations secure the best digital talent in a competitive market? What innovative trends are necessary to keep pace with the rapid advancements in the tech industry? These are crucial questions for companies aiming to lead in digital talent hiring. Midway through 2024, with the tech talent domain in flux and massive layoffs reshaping...
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