

transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy
“This blog explores the dynamic shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy, highlighting its implications for the global energy landscape and workforce skill development. It emphasizes the growing importance of clean energy technologies, such as solar and wind power, and their significant contribution to electricity generation. The blog addresses the critical need for continuous reskilling...
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diversity and inclusion in manufacturing
“This blog explores the significance of diversity and inclusion in the manufacturing industry, highlighting how it drives innovation, problem-solving, and financial success. It emphasizes the pivotal role of recruitment agencies in promoting a diverse workforce and reducing unconscious bias. The blog underscores the economic and societal benefits of embracing diversity in manufacturing, aligning it with...
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Chief AI Officer
The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) marks the dawn of a new era. It has sent leadership into a frenzy as they try to understand the role AI will play in organizations. The AI boom According to Accenture, over the next 10 years, AI will dominate over close to 40% of our daily work life....
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The healthcare industry is currently facing significant challenges in recruiting and retaining healthcare professionals, particularly with the retirement of baby boomers and traditionalists. The next generation, Gen Z, is expected to make up 30% of the workforce by 2030. However, attracting and retaining Gen Z healthcare professionals is not a simple task. This generation has...
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Intellectual Curiosity
Is industry experience enough to predict career success and future work performance? A daunting question for recruiters when faced with selecting between two candidates – one with substantial experience in the industry but with no new ideas to offer, and the other, with relatively less experience but a significant drive to learn. Whom to go...
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Traditional Performance Management
“Feedback is the breakfast of champions” – Ken Blanchard, American author and thought leader in day-to-day management and business leadership Performance management, as part of workforce management, is witnessing a tectonic shift. Disadvantages of the traditional approach to performance review, given the transformation in workforce and workplace or organizational culture, are increasingly rendering it irrelevant....
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Interim Hiring
The hiring of interim professionals as an incisive recruitment strategy is picking up. Amid the fear of a looming recession, ever-changing requirement for new skills affecting the labor market, technological advancement, socio and macroeconomic transformation, and, above all, the need to sustain business operations, companies are increasingly opting for interim hires. Yin and yang: Strategic...
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How Leaders and Managers
The business culture is transforming in line with the increasing complexity of operations. With the change in workforce composition and the emergence of the younger generations, workplace dynamics are changing. The rapidly evolving business environment requires quick response and incisive strategizing, including tactical shifts as and when needed. At the organization or board level, teams...
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Vbeyond Blog
Living for the weekend, watching the clock tick, work is just a paycheck are some popular mantras the global workforce is living by, as per Gartner’s State of the Global Workforce Report 2022.  With just 21% of employees finding work engaging and about 33% claiming to thrive as far as their overall well-being is concerned,...
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Cyber security in healthcare
I’m frightened because our enemies are no longer known to us. They do not exist on a map, they aren’t nations. They are individuals. And look around you – who do you fear? Can you see a face, a uniform, a flag? No, our world is not more transparent now, it’s more opaque! It’s in...
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