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“In an economy where the only certainty is uncertainty, the one sure source of lasting competitive advantage is knowledge.” – Ikujiro Nonaka, a famed organizational theorist, best known for his study of knowledge management The economy has a significant bearing on the hiring and recruitment strategy and employee engagement.The labor market currently is amid one...
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Multi generational Workforce
“Congratulations on completing xx years with us. We deeply value your contribution and wish you many more years of success at our organization.” A congratulatory email from the management on each work anniversary. A communication most cherished… Until you get a feeler of an invisible P.S. (Applicable until you hit the 40s) in the coming...
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Oh, you picked up the skills so fast, despite your age!Wow! You have straight hair. So, not all people from your region/community have wiry hair, right?Well, we expected the most qualified person to get the job, but…You speak with a Western accent. I am sure you spent a bigger part of those growing-up years in...
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VBC Blog Banner
“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak,Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” – Winston Churchill Do you know what makes the Second World War so fascinating? Its legacy in the form of reconfiguration of responsibilities (of leaders) and global power, at a level no other war probably...
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Integrating Mental Wellbeing
Visions are worth fighting for -why spend your life making someone else’s dreams? Tim Burton. Does going to work feel like this? For many, surviving in the workplace is increasingly developing into an existential crisis. Today, we spend close to a third of our day on the job. According to the American Time Use Survey...
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Quiet Quitting
“All the world’s a stage” – As You Like It by William Shakespeare Dotted with many characters and players, and trend-setters, social platforms are pulsating with theatrics. What begins as a small buzz soon assumes dramatic proportions with a strong cascading effect. Alliterations, hashtags, and a swelling rank of followers – so goes the flow....
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“The question isn’t at what age I want to retire, it’s at what income” – George Foreman Nothing captures the sentiment of the retiree population in the US today better than this. As America greys, its aging population is only becoming more steadfast in pursuing their aspirations. They are not willing to settle down for...
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hiring for culture fit
With hiring strategy at an inflection point, sourcing the right talent is in the spotlight. Given the short supply of talent, the employee-employer equation has changed drastically. As sourcing high quality talent becomes increasingly difficult, here are some talent acquisition strategies to help you nail the effort. Why is hiring for culture fit in the...
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Shot Hiring Strategies
With hiring strategy at an inflection point, sourcing the right talent is in the spotlight. Given the short supply of talent, the employee-employer equation has changed drastically. As sourcing high quality talent becomes increasingly difficult, here are some talent acquisition strategies to help you nail the effort. Half way into 2022 and we are staring...
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Hiring analytics
With the dynamics of leadership changing drastically, businesses of the future need to set a definitive executive leadership hiring benchmark to evaluate the recruitment process. With the dynamics of leadership changing drastically, businesses of the future need to set a definitive executive leadership hiring benchmark to evaluate the recruitment process. With the average cost per...
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